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Friday, October 27, 2006

Eat more and loose weight?

A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association shows that people who take less energy-dense foods like fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products consumed fewer calories per day, even though they tended to eat larger portions than people who favored more energy-dense options. Also, the first group of people consume more calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamins A, C, B6, and folate.

If you want to eat more while loosing weight, follow the following advice:
1) Avoid calorie-dense foods such as chips, nuts, sweets, and processed or fatty meats.
2) Include foods that are high in water and fiber, which add to a food's bulk to give you a feeling of fullness, but contribute few or no calories.
3) Start your meal with a large salad and low-fat toppings and dressings.
4) Increase the amount of vegetables on your plate while decreasing the amount of high-fat meats or other meal items.
5) Satisfy your occasional sweet tooth with fresh fruits and berries topped with yogurt as a substitute for cake and pie.
6) Substitute a yogurt-covered granola bar that adds fiber to your diet for that high-fat, high-sugar chocolate bar.


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