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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Weight-Loss Surgery

For the treatment of severe obesity and as far as surgery is concerned, vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG) is one of the most commonly performed surgeries. It involves reducing the size of stomach by stapling.

Patients lose weight because they become full faster during meals and thus reduce their intake of calories. This procedure has excellent long-term success rates, with patients generally losing from 40-50 percent of their excess weight. However like all surgeries, it has its short coming in terms of leakage at the surgical site and obstruction of the stomach, ulcers and obstruction.

This surgery is only normally done if there is proof that the patients fail to lose weight using proper dietary, medical and behavioral interventions.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Maternal Obesity and Risk of Birth Defects

According to a new study, obese women who became pregnant had a higher risk of having babies with certain birth defects, including missing limbs, malformed hearts and underdeveloped spinal cords.

Women who are obese should try to maintain a healthy weight, engage in moderate exercise and follow a healthy daily diet if they are planning to get pregnant
There is also a strong association between pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI, a ratio of weight to height) and the risk for certain birth defects such as spina bifida.
Click HERE to get details.

Quick weight-loss diets can lead to health problems

The recommended way to diet and lose weight correctly is to lose weight slowly, over time, while eating a balanced diet with plenty of healthy foods.
Diets that encourage eating only one type of food or encourage rapid weight loss can be dangerous to your health.

The following is a list of the possible risks if you adhere to fad diets:

1) Nutritional deficiencies caused by a lack of a balanced diet.
2) Lack of physical activity with emphasis on diet only can increase the risk of heart disease.
3) Lack of variety in foods can cause boredom and frustration, and make it difficult to maintain the diet for more than a brief period.
4)Restrictions on the foods you can eat may make it difficult to establish and maintain a healthy diet in the future.
5) Many quick weight-loss diets are based on unfounded claims that may do more harm than good