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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Obesity: Health Implications

What's so bad about being overweight? Beside the fact that "the worse it gets, the worse it gets", there are a number of medical conditions that are precipitated or worsened by obesity. Obesity affects every organ of the body in one way or another. Let's look at a few of the major complications.

Cardiovascular Disease
Extra weight requires the heart to work harder because the additional fat tissue needs blood as surely as every other cell in the body. Therefore, the heart must pump more blood which means more pressure on the blood vessels leading to high blood pressure (hypertension). In addition, fat builds up in the blood vessels of the heart and can lead to heart attack or stroke.

Obesity interferes with the ability of the body to respond to insulin (the hormone which regulates blood sugar). As the insulin-glucose system becomes imbalanced, the blood sugar rises and diabetes, a chronic condition which may require medication or even insulin injections, develops.

Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is common among the obese. It is a combination of six risk factors conducive to the development of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. These components are: abdominal obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, blood changes which indicate inflammation, and elevated blood clotting factors.

Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a condition in which one stops breathing for periods of time while sleeping. This is caused by the weight of the obese chest on the respiratory system and is associated with high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.

In addition to health challenges brought on by obesity, the overweight individual is prone to depression because of feelings of not being able to meet expectations of others or of not "fitting in". Self esteem suffers because the obese individual is often viewed by society as weak and unable to control eating habits. (This is of course not true but it is often a result of misinformation.)

Unfortunately, there are no off-setting advantages to being overweight or obese. It is a dangerous condition which can, and should, be dealt with as soon and as aggressively as possible. Children of obese individuals are at risk of developing lifestyle and eating habits that put them at risk for disease also.
Obesity is a preventable cause of death. It needs to be addressed!

A trained Nutritionist developed the correct food plan for you and your family. A Registered Nurse has independently reviewed the plan from an overall health perspective and has approved the plan.
You have nothing to lose (whoops! Yes you do.) when you make the decision to follow this logical eating plan.
You can thank me later.
Sue Bristol, R.N.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Diet To Reduce Weight - Women's Guide To Blasting Fat From Your Arms, Belly, And Thighs Quickly!

A good diet to reduce weight for women has several key element that provide not only dramatic weight loss but also improved energy and overall health. The challenge is that most people are tempted to turn to hazardous diet pills or starvation-level eating plans to try and get skinny, even if it puts their overall health in danger. This is NEVER the right answer.

Instead, we can use some easy tricks and tips from the BILLIONS of skinny Asian women around the world who manage to look fantastic even right after having a baby!

Today I'm going to show you one diet to reduce weight that Asian women use each day to get and keep their ultra-lean figures, without working hard at the gym or eating terrible food.

Diet To Reduce Weight - The Skinny Asian Way

Whenever clients in my weight-loss classes ask me for suggestions on the best diet to reduce weight I always respond with plans that I know they'll be able to follow without too much trouble. It's not going to do them any good to try overly hard programs that are so difficult that they can't possibly stick to them.

And while you're not going to learn ALL of the best diets to reduce weight that Asian women use to burn fat and stay thin from just a single short article, you CAN pick up some tips that will allow you to get started on the road to a new you:

Tip #1: Before Every Meal You're Going To Drink a Cold Glass of Water

Not only does a big glass of water keep you from overeating because it help trigger your brain's own "I'm full" hormone production, but researchers have recently found that COLD water actually forces the body to burn fat and extra calories as energy.

It works because our bodies operate at an internal temperature around 98-degrees F, meanwhile a chilled glass of ice-water is around the 45-50-degree F mark...which means our body tries to force the water to a higher temperature through action and activity, which takes energy!

German scientists recently estimated that a tall glass of cold water may force up to 65 calories to be burned within you just from drinking it...what a perfect piece of a diet to reduce weight!

Tip #2: Your Body Evolved To Eat Fruit...Give It To It!

Despite fears about sugar content, nutritionists are now recommending something Asian women have known for thousands of years: Fruit is a key part of any diet to reduce weight.

Part of the reason it works so well lies in the fiber it contains, which helps your body not only process and remove waste (which can cause weight gain) but also because fiber requires energy to move through our system...which requires fat and calories be burned to do it just like the cold water does!

The other reason food is essential in a diet to reduce weight is that it actually makes you feel more full than the calories it contains should.

Meaning when you eat a single apple, and are taking in around 75 calories from its content, it actually keeps you as full as if you had eaten a 200-calorie bagel...or a 200-calorie plate of pasta.

Scientists aren't sure why this happens, but they believe it's part of our body's own ability to figure out that white refined carbohydrates ultimately convert to a lower nutrient profile than natural fruits and veggies do, and thus the brain commands us to eat again sooner until it gets the vitamins and enzymes it's after.

Try to mix in an apple and banana each day, or whatever fruits you enjoy, as your mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. This will keep you feeling more full throughout the day while you're still on a perfect diet to reduce weight continuously.

What If You Still Can't Lose Weight?

If you're still struggling to get the body of your dreams, you'll need to learn one of the most powerful secret free methods that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...WITHOUT starving or doing crazy workouts.

This method works fast and is very simple, the full details on how to do it are in the free report here: Diet To Reduce Weight. I actually do it myself while relaxing on the couch watching TV, and it works amazingly well.

Click on the link and learn the trick yourself before it's gone: http://www.skinnyasiandiet.com/free-book.htm

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Overweight Health Problems - Health Problems That Are Caused From Being Overweight

Are you in the situation of being overweight, well now research has shown that there are hundreds of Overweight health problems.

Over the past 10 years the size of the average waist has grown at a rapid rate, but is this not concerning everyone out there who is overweight?

Research has now show that if you are overweight you have a 75% increase in developing cancer, which is the very disease that claims the most lives.

After being overweight myself I was sick and tired of having a low self esteem and not fulfilling my life's dreams. I knew that being overweight was killing me and when I heard about the overweight health problem I knew that I needed to change something.

Overweight health problems range from mild to severe which if not acted upon now could lead to an early death, which I am sure no one wants.

Right now ask yourself, do you want to live the most of your life?

If you are overweight I need you to really ask yourself if you need to change something in your life, because the overweight health problems are a major concern.

If you were to start to try and change your life today, there is no doubt that you can achieve. When people hear the word diet they run in fear, but a diet does not have to be bland and boring.

To change your life, you need to introduce healthier food options into your day to day life. I know that once you change to some healthier options you automatically lose weight from the shock to your body.

Do not fall victim to the fad diet pills out there, I wasted hundreds of dollars on them and believe me they do not work. If you want to lose weight finally and rid yourself from overweight health problems you need to a diet that you live with.

The problem is that most people may lose weight, but once they finish their diet they gain it all back and more. If you to lose weight and keep it off you need to change your lifestyle choices.

Did you know that cancer is the number one killing disease, and being overweight increases the risk by 75%?

overweight health problems [http://burn-fat-quick-easy.com/diet-review.html]

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Dangers of Obesity - Read More About It

By Sean A Moronse

Obesity is a state of a human body wherein it has too much of excessive and unnecessary fats that hinders the function of some body organs. Obesity is already known as a serious health condition that can lead to death if not noticed and treated properly. Statistics of obese people have been growing as fast the population growth. Obesity is often the root cause of other health problems like heart disease, having high blood pressure, outbreaks of stroke, high amount of blood sugar. Dangers of obesity have been obvious these past few years. Seven to eight out of ten people die because of obesity related health problems. You may be aware of the dangers, but are you aware of real deal?

Dangers of obesity have increased the number of premature deaths. Heart disease, high blood pressure or hypertension, diabetes, failure of digestive organs, and even cancer are serious health conditions being related to obesity. Heart disease and heart failure are the most common health condition related to obesity. Nine out of ten obese people are diagnosed with coronary and chronic heart disease. When unnecessary fats blocked the arteries, the heart will have trouble circulating blood to other parts of the body. Obesity cause the thickening of heart's left ventricle wall. Being an obese individual with heart disease can make your blood pressure go up. Obesity increases the blood volume and cardiac output in arterial resistance. Obesity secretes high production of insulin in the body trying to decrease the sugar amount in the blood vessels. More insulin means more adjustments for the body to cope up with the changes. It can thicken vessels until it becomes rigid thus causing hypertension. After too much insulin has been secreted, the body becomes immune to its presence and the cells will no longer react to it causing diabetes. Since the body is no longer recognizing the presence of the insulin, the sugar-controlling substance in the body, blood sugar will keep increasing thus causing diabetes. Obesity is also often associated with certain kinds of cancer both for men and women. Obese women are more likely to develop cancer in the cervix, uterus, ovary, gall bladder, colon and breast. Obesity has been proven to increase or affect the level of estrogen which can be associated with uterine cancer. Summing it all up, obesity can cause death. There's nothing more dangerous than having your life at stake.

Having too much of something will always be bad. Dangers of obesity can be prevented. We still have the chance to minimize the risk of the health conditions brought by it. Health conditions have already been discussed above, and they are all associated with the same root cause, which is obesity. Therefore, to be able to minimize the risk of those health conditions from happening, we need to lessen and minimize the factors contributing to obesity itself. If we start about how to minimize or dispose the root cause, all the health conditions associated with it will follow. It will be a very good way to start as soon as possible so that you can prevent the situation from getting worst. Since you already know the dangers, it should be easy to start.

Are you looking for more information regarding dangers of obesity? Visit http://weight-loss-diets.com today!